Modifier Command Scope

Reference:        Insert Transfer Modifiers 

All modifier commands (Archive, Speed, Instructions, and File_Date_Filter) obey a simple scoping rule.  They apply to any actions that follow them in the same block until either another modifier is encountered or the block is terminated with an End_If or End_While command.  This applies to actions in embedded blocks as well.  Consider the script below:

            # Archive is currently None

            :From:  C:\Test\Afile
            :To:      {Server}C:\In\Afile

            :If: Send CompletedOK
                        :Archive: Source

                        # Archive Source now applies to all transfers that follow

                        :From:  C:\Test\Bfile
                        :To:      C:\out\Bfile

                        :If: Prep CompletedOK

                                    # Archive Source still applies in the embedded block

                                    :From:  C:\out\Cfile
                                    :To:      {Server}C:\In\Cfile

                                    :Archive: None:

                                    # Archive is now turned off

                                    :From:  C:\out\Dfile
                                    :To:      {Server}C:\In\Dfile

                        :End_If:  # Archive setting cancelled

                        # Archive now reverts to Source

                        :From:  C:\Test\Efile
                        :To:      C:\Temp\Efile


            # Archive reverts to None

Afile and Dfile are copied without archiving.  Bfile, Dfile, and Efile are archived.