Edit Beyond FTP Address Book Entry

Reference:        Beyond FTP Toolbar and File Menu 

                        Address Book Context Menu  

                        Edit Standard FTP Address Entry

                        Remote Address Book Context Menu

DoneTestUser and PasswordDial-upGet nameFTP ServerTroubleshootServer TypePropertiesGenerate KeyProxyNameIP or DNSPermanentEncryptionAddressDescriptionLogon

Edit an existing Beyond FTP server entry or capture information for a new server.  New entries are automatically routed here after the name is entered in the Address Book tree.  Remember that you must first choose the server to be edited when using the last three methods.  The right mouse click implicitly contains this choice.  Click on any field for further definitions. 

Note:  The User ID and Password fields are disabled as long as Anonymous Login is checked.  If you need to provide login information, clear Anonymous Login to enable the User ID and Password fields.