Inserting a Server List

A Server_List may be used in a script without being declared in the script.  You can build an individual server list for your script by simply following the instructions for inserting individual commands and choosing Server_List from the browser.  Or you can maintain server lists separately as follows:

1.     Open the Toolbox and select Insert Server Lists.

2.     Move selected lists between the Available and Selected windows if you wish to include the actual list in your script.  Click OK to insert the server list at the cursor.

3.     Or select New/Modify List and place the available servers into an existing or new list.  Click OK to save the list.

4.     Go back to step 2 and select one or more lists to include in the script, or leave the Selected window blank and click OK to dismiss the form.  Any changes are preserved and the list names can be used in a script.