Assign File Parsing Functions

Reference:        Assign

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The Assign command provides several functions for parsing file names.  These functions are available only in this command.  They assume the name is a standard Windows file name, where folders are separated by backslash characters “\” and the extension is identified by a period “.”.  Each function results in a string.

      GetPath - returns that entire path associated with the file, including the trailing backslash:

      :Assign: f = GetPath c:\temp\output.tmp.txt results in c:\temp\

      GetFile - returns the entire file name exclusive of the path:

      :Assign: f = GetFile c:\temp\output.tmp.txt results in output.tmp.txt

      GetName - returns the root name of the file without the last extension, if any.  Only that portion of the name following the last period, and including that period, is removed:

      :Assign: f = GetName c:\temp\output.tmp.txt results in output.tmp

      GetExt - returns the trailing extension, if any.  Only that portion of the name following the last period, and excluding that period, is returned:

      :Assign: f = GetExt c:\temp\output.tmp.txt results in txt

The operand is assumed to be a filename and the output is a string.  It is unnecessary to include the file name within quotes.