

Action Commands

Open Description Window


Assign ::= :Assign: variable_name “=” New_value


New_value ::=   string_value  |

boolean_value  |
“(“ conditional_expression “)”  |
numeric_equation  |
date_equation  |
error_string  |

file_date  |
file_check  |

file_parse  |

string_length |

string_left  |

string_mid  |



numeric_equation ::= numeric_value { ( “+” | “-“ ) numeric_value }
date_equation ::= Date ( TimeNow | numeric_value ) { ( “+” | “-“ | “@” ) date_value }

date_value ::= EOM | numeric_value date_constant

date_constant ::= Years | Months | Days | Hours | Minutes | Seconds

error_string ::= Error numeric_value

file_date ::= FileDate file_specification

file_check ::= [ Not ] Present file_specification

file_parse ::= ( GetPath | GetFile | GetName | GetExt )  file_specification

string_length ::= Length string_value  

string_left  ::= ( Left | LeftX ) string_size string_value  

string_mid ::= ( Mid | MidX ) string_position string_size string_value

string_right ::= ( Right | RightX ) string_size string_value

string_size ::= numeric_value | string_value

string_position ::= numeric_value | string_value  


:assign: Message = “Begin processing on %DW”

:assign: FileHere = present c:\temp\test.txt

:assign: ModDate = FileDate %’FileName’

:assign: Count = %’Count’ + 1

:assign: NextTime = Date TimeNow + 1 Month + EOM - 2 Days

:assign: MidMonth = Date %’NextTime’ @ 15 Day @ 0 H @ 0 Mi @ 0 Se

:assign: DoTransfer = (%’FileHere’ OR (%’Count’ < 10))

:assign: ErrDescription = Error %’GlobalError’

:assign: FileDir = GetPath %’FileName’

:assign: FileExt = Right  “.”  “%’FileName’”   # include the period

:assign: FileExt = Right  3  “%’FileName’”

:assign: Drive = Left  1  “%’FileDir’”

:assign: Drive = LeftX  “:\”  “%’FileDir’”   #excludes the colon and backslash

:assign  Root = Mid  “\”  “\”  “%’FileDir’”  # includes backslashes 

:assign  Root = Midx  “\”  “\”  “%’FileDir’”  # excludes backslashes 

:assign  Root = Mid 2 6   “%’FileDir’”  # first character is position 0

:assign: Scount = Length  “%’Drive’%’Root’”