Server Name

Reference:        Edit Standard FTP Address Entry

                        Edit Beyond FTP Address Book Entry.

The name of the remote Beyond FTP or standard FTP server.  This field is required.  The name for a standard FTP server may be anything you like.  It is used only for informational purposes.  The name of a Beyond FTP server MUST match the name used when installing that server.  If you do not know the name, enter the Server Address and press the Get Server Name button.  Beyond FTP will retrieve the remote name, provided the remote server is running and accessible.

You may create an alias of an existing Beyond FTP server address by prefixing the existing server name with an identifier and the ‘@’ symbol.  For example, the demo comes with two addresses for the APTServe installation in the APT home office.  The first is APTServe, and the second is Alias@APTServe.  The word “alias” could be replaced by any identifier.  Server aliases allow multiple user credentials to be used when accessing a single Beyond FTP server.

The ‘@’ symbol serves a different purpose when specifying the name of a standard ftp server.  In this case you can specify a Beyond FTP server name that has access to the ftp server.  The connection is routed first to the Beyond FTP server, and then to the remote ftp server.  This is useful if you wish to reach an ftp server that is hidden from direct access.  For example, to access ftp:Hidden by way of the Beyond FTP server BFTPGW, you would create an address book entry named ftp:Hidden@BFTPGW.  The resulting call would use the credentials from your local address book, but the server address from the ftp:Hidden entry in the address book at BFTPGW.