Scripts and Automation

You automate the operation of Beyond FTP by creating scripts.  The scripting language is somewhat unique.  It consists of high level commands that allow you to perform file and program actions, retry failures, test for certain conditions, and control the operation of the script.  A script is compiled into a form that can be run or scheduled. 

The power of the script language is revealed by the fact that you never have to deal with low level FTP commands.  For example, a single transfer action could transfer the contents of an entire directory (and sub-directories if desired) from one machine to another.  All connecting, logging in, file expansion, gets and puts, disconnecting, and other activities required to perform the transfers is managed automatically by Beyond FTP.  This single action could then be augmented with commands to control the retrying of failed transfers, the number of simultaneous transfers, actions to take if all transfers are not completed without failure, actions to take if all transfers complete successfully, etc..  The power of Beyond FTP scripts means that few statements are necessary to accomplish a large amount of work.  It also means that it is worth spending a little time learning the language and what each command can do.

Script files are stored in the Scripts sub-directory with a suffix of .ISF.  You create and edit these scripts using the Script Editor Program.  The compiled form of a script is stored in the main Beyond FTP program directory with a suffix of .DCF.  The status of these scripts is managed by the Script Status Program.  This program automatically displays the current state of completed, running, and pending scripts.

Script creation is made easier by Script Templates.  These are script fragments that can be inserted into any script to accomplish specific tasks.  Templates are automatically tailored as they are inserted.  Information that is specific to a particular installation is retrieved automatically as the template is processed.  The result will be a working portion of a script.