Queue_Script Type

Reference:        Queue_Script

This field captures the type of Queue_Script command being programmed.  A blank value indicates that the specified script should be run.  In this case, the Script Name field is enabled.  The name may be a compiled Distribution Control File (suffix .DCF) from the Beyond FTP directory, or a script file (suffix .ISF) from the Scripts sub-directory.  The name may also include a Beyond FTP server specification.  The remote server must be properly configured to allow this action.  The path associated with the script name is ignored when the script is compiled or run.  Beyond FTP always searches for this information on its installed path.

A value of Requeue enables the requeue parameter fields and disables the name field.  In this case, the script is running itself.  The parameters control how much time will elapse before the next instance is executed and how many times this can occur before the script is extinguished.  This particular variation is very powerful when you want to vary the schedule for a script based on other parameters.