Decryption Parameter Values

Reference:        Decrypt_Files
                        Decryption Parameters Selection 

The actual parameters to the decryption engine are the following:




Reconstruct sub-directory structure from archive.


Freshen: Extract files only if they already exist on disk and the archive version is the newer of the two.


Mask file attributes (Hidden, Read-Only, and/or System):  A file is extracted with its attributes as-is, unless you choose to mask attributes. When specifying -j sub-options, list all of the options you want after the switch (e.g., -jhs).The sub-option n specifies the Novell NetWare Shareable attribute (this attribute is always screened out when dealing with local drives, since it only applies to networked drives).


Newer: Extract files if they do not exist on disk, or if they exist but the archive version is newer.


How to handle overwriting disk files. With just "o", always overwrite existing disk files. With "o-", never overwrite existing disk files. See the "r" switch for additional options.


How to handle overwriting a read-only file. The default handling is the same as the switch alone, which refuses to overwrite read-only files and returns an error code. The r- option says to skip extracting any file if it would overwrite a read-only file. The r+ option says to overwrite files in all cases.


Test: Verify files by checking their CRC values. This provides solid assurance that an archive has not been damaged (by file transfer failure, disk problems, etc.).


Skip a file if it can't be extracted (such as if the file already exists on the disk and is locked by another application), instead of terminating the unzip operation.