Date Wildcards

Reference:        Wildcard Toolbar
                        Wildcard Definitions
                        Alphabetical Commands List
                        Topical Commands List

The following wildcards may be used as placeholders for the various date values.  In addition, the %T wildcard can be used to adjust the current date.


Three character day of week abbreviation (Mon, Tue, etc.)


Two-digit day of the month (01 - 31)


Three character month abbreviation (Jan, Feb, etc.)


Two-digit month number (01 - 12).


Last two-digits of current year.


Four digit year.

%T[(<date>)] + | - <number> D | H | M

Where:  <number> is the time to add to or subtract from the current time and <date> is a date variable that has already been assigned. 

The (<date>) clause is optional.  If no date is specified, the %T wildcard always begins with the current date and time.  The direction of the adjustment is indicated by the (+) and (-) signs.  The suffix specifies whether the adjustment is in Days, Hours, or Minutes.  The wildcard can contain no spaces.  This wildcard inserts nothing in the script, but will cause subsequent date and time wildcard values to be adjusted.  It applies only to the line in which it appears.

Example:          %T(%’MyDate’)+2D

Note:  Since wildcard entries are processed in order, the %T must precede those date and time values you wish to adjust.  The best practice is to always insert this wildcard first in the line.  The date and time are reset at the end of each line, so adjustments must be repeated for every line, or included in a variable that is used in each line.